Our Beloved Business Sponsors


 We can’t overstate our gratitude for Thunderpaws! If we need high-quality dog food, we head to Thunderpaws. When a rescue puppy needs a comforting bed, it’s off to Thunderpaws. Doggos need toys for enrichment activities? You guessed it - Thunderpaws! With locations in both Ketchum and Hailey, nearly every trip to town involves a stop at our absolute favorite pet store. We see them so often, the amazing people at Thunderpaws feel more like friends than suppliers! Their support provides so, so much for our dogs.


Our dogs have thick coats, tough skin, and durable paws. They’re built for all seasons, and they don’t slow down in the frigid Idaho winter! We humans aren’t built as tough - so we turn to First Lite. Their outdoor equipment is second to none, keeping us warm and dry in even the most extreme conditions. Some days, even the shaggy Pyrenees seem envious of our winter coats!


Pyrenees are notoriously picky, and we struggled to find a snack that all our dogs would drool over - until we tried out Idahound’s all-natural dried treats! Without exception, our dogs absolutely love Idahound (especially the Ewe Chews)! Nothing else brings the whole pack running. As community members, we also love that all Idahound’s products are locally sourced, humanely raised, and free from hormones and antibiotics.

It takes a community to support our pack! Our business sponsors help keep our dogs and staff outfitted with the highest-quality food, gear, and supplies. Thank you so much!